How to lose weight in a week. That the need to eat. The basic rules of 7 days diet

Is it possible to lose weight 5 to 10 pounds in a week without diet?

  1. The experts say that yes, losing the weight that you can. But you need to respect all these rules, as well as to do sports (even routine gymnastics in the morning).
  2. Then, how to lose weight without diet and remove fat in the belly may be tough for beginners, make an eating plan, and prepare yourself mentally. Need a stimulus, that will help you not to break it.
  3. The diet excluded all products containing sugar, fast food, sodas, alcohol. Revolves around the fruit with berries and vegetables, water, lean meats, seafood, fish, legumes, milk and wholesale all of which we will discuss below.
  4. If you wondered how you can lose weight in a week up to 10 kg, then you'll have to do sports. It is as well as without the plan in house conditions to get rid of the hated inches at the waist. The sport is an intense cardio, which is intended to fat combustion.
  5. To accelerate the reduction of weight, you must combine cardio (a minimum of 4 hours per week) with the security forces (3 hours per week) in the training sessions. This duo will lead to a rapid loss of the mass of the body and the formation of the terrain.

The quick weight loss 5 pounds in a week without diet: 12 steps

Below, we will explain how to lose weight fast 5 kg All the rules will lead you to the result of the week, when the conditions at home. Lose weight without diet – it is reality!

Step n ° 1. Drink water

  1. The weight reduction and the purification is linked to the notion of. With contaminated slag and toxins from the body, you do maigrirez. Therefore, drink, drink, drink water!!!
  2. Each day, you need to consume a minimum of 2 ch and purified bottle of liquid. From the menu completely excluded stacked fruit juices, soft drinks, compotes, sweet alcohol.
  3. Drink a glass of water with lemon juice 45 minutes before the meal. And then the same amount of zest to consume water in 2 hours, followed by a meal. This is the important part. Also will not be useless to the consumption of lemon water at room temperature in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. Many people underestimate the water, but it is the basis of everything. It starts the metabolic processes in the body, makes the blood to flow more strong, cleans up the lymph, kidneys, liver, intestines. You will forget the constipation and you will be losing weight.
  5. If it is difficult to adhere to drink of the mode, download on your smartphone the app that reminds you of the need to drink.

Step n ° 2. Completely eliminate fast food

  1. Tell later, how to lose weight fast 5 kg For the week to get rid of excess weight, in the home position all the snacks, cookies, candy. So without diet and on the software, you will spend a decent. Arrange with the household, if you only ate potato chips and other "bad guys".
  2. It is not necessary to nibble at the pancakes in quick cooking or burgers. Take with you as a snack, apples, nuts, yogurt natural, without additives, cheese, dry fruits and other gifts.
  3. From the menu forever, and not only to the period of weight loss) is excluded from fast-food, canned foods, cured meat, deli or other of the workpiece and semi-finished products. Lean only on boiled, steamed, stew.
  4. The bird with the skin, the fat from the meat, the grease – all of this is prohibited. Learn the basics of proper diet now, because then it will be too late. Until you chew salet, the other to saturate the body trading of products.

Step n ° 3. Avoid fast carbs,

  1. It is necessary to exclude? Potatoes, polished rice, white bread, pasta is not wheat, ice cream, cakes and pastries, chips, sugar.
  2. Decide how to lose weight fast 5 pounds in a week, make a note of an important aspect. In the house simply refuse to fast carbs, and everything! The reduction of the weight without diet is provided.

Step n ° 4. Speed up the metabolism

  1. Your main task – to accelerate the metabolism of adipose tissue is not collected, and in front, of idleness. To this end, you can buy Supplements in a pharmacy. They are a complement to food and well cope with the task.
  2. But for those who are not willing to spend money on pharmacy supplements, advise the list of products for the reception. Lean on lentils, cheese low fat (hard and soft varieties), chili, pepper, ginger (you can cook the miracle of cocktails), avocado, cinnamon, honey, milk, all sour milk products.
  3. Not necessarily need to eliminate the salt, baking soda diet. They hold water and not inhibit the weight loss. In the menu should contain foods with Omega 3, 6, acids, vitamin D, protein, dietary fiber (fiber).
  4. The basis of the diet (30-40%), should be of fresh fruit, vegetables and berries. 50% are protein-rich foods. This is the basics you need to know to start losing weight.
  5. Alternate cardio (e.g. jogging) weight (squatting with weights) exercises. It is a super effective technique. In addition to walk up the stairs to the elevator.
  6. Let's say, how to lose weight fast 5 kg weight reduction in a week, drink water. At home, you can cook it with the addition of ginger, lemon, honey, cinnamon, and drink on an empty stomach. Without a plan, you can handle the task.
  7. It is important! Do not skip breakfast. Woke up, drank a glass of water with lemon, waited 45 minutes and had breakfast. The breakfast is basic, which initiates the metabolism better than anyone.

Step n ° 5. Stop smoking

  1. Tobacco addiction is the most pernicious habit which it is difficult to refuse. Many do not know, than to take the mouth and hands, when we get rid of cigarettes.
  2. Fortunately for you, there is a solution. The electronic cigarette, which supplies power to a special liquid. You can buy it in any online store, the liquid also.
  3. Cigarette smoking is very strongly slow down the metabolism, in consequence of which the fat builds up and difficult to get going. If you cannot stop smoking, buy elektronku, start to exercise more, have pity of your body.
  4. Tobacco clogs the blood vessels, leads to apathy and chronic fatigue, contaminating the body of poisons. In these conditions, simply it is difficult to lose weight.

Step n ° 6. The breakfast

Good breakfast to lose weight

To understand how to lose weight fast 5 pounds in a week, it is necessary to observe simple rules. At home, you will weight without diet, if you do not skip breakfast.

  1. Studies have shown that prolonged fasting does not break with the undesirable weight. On the contrary, these actions lead to the development of serious pathologies.
  2. The body starts to function properly, it is the time of the reception of the breakfast. If you miss it, with the fat will not be reconsidered. Then, how to lose weight at home, you can quickly and easily, it is necessary to begin with a delicious breakfast. You will weight without diet.
  3. Studies have confirmed that the consumption of foods rich in calories at the beginning of the day helps to reduce the total weight of the body. If you make a habit of taking breakfast always, it is greatly enhance the metabolism.
  4. The breakfast, you maintain an optimal level of insulin in the blood. Properly launched day improves performance. Thanks to this early start to the process of burning calories.
  5. After waking up, the breakfast is given to the body of important nutrients. If you miss the morning meal, the state will be much worse. Correctly undertaken the day will give you more energy for the body and the brain activity.
  6. The breakfast allows you to quickly understand how to lose weight 5 pounds in a week. Eating in the morning, you will be retain a normal weight at home without diet. In addition, breakfast helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Step n ° 7. Eat products negative calories

  1. Products with negative calorie require a lot of time for digestion and assimilation.
  2. Because of this, the body has to expend a lot of its own calories. As a result, accelerates the metabolism, natural slimming.
  3. Among these products, it is necessary to distinguish the zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, celery, cucumbers, and leafy vegetables.

Step n ° 8. Eat small portions

  1. The process of weight reduction depends on how many times per day you eat. Get in the habit of dining with small plates. Forget the supplements.
  2. Meals in small portions when weight loss
  3. In the day you need to eat 5-6 times. This does not mean that you are going to eat more products. This practice allows you to trick the stomach and give a feeling of satiety.
  4. Thus, you will quickly know how to lose weight 5 pounds in a week. Eating in the home correctly. Then do it without a plan.

Step # 9. Sleep

  1. If you sleep in a good watch, and enough time, health issues and the nervous system will not arise. As a result, you will always feel happy and energetic. You can find the strength to commit different cases.
  2. The quality of sleep allows the body to fully relax and recover. Thanks to this, in the time of enlightenment is the burning of extra calories and therefore, weight loss fast. Sleep of the order of 7-8 hours.

Step n ° 10. Change your mode of life

  1. Make it a habit to always prepare your own meals. Forget the fast foods and prepared foods.
  2. You will be able to control the amount of calories. For more fast to lose weight, is not reducible will be the year.
  3. If you long to go to the computer or television, it promotes a quick weight gain.
  4. Try to walk in. Avoid the elevator, at least use the escalators or the machine. Drink more water.

Step n ° 11. Do not eat late

  1. Then, how to lose weight fast 5 kg per week is quite realistic, it is necessary to stop eating after a certain time of the day. At home, you start to lose weight without diet.
  2. To lose weight was to maximize the efficiency, make yourself a schedule. Describe the timing of the meals and follow the plan. The result will not wait long.

Step n ° 12. Avoid stress

  1. Stop worrying because of the excess weight. Try to reduce stress at work and at home. It is because of the experiences develop serious health problems, including obesity.
  2. If you encounter an unpleasant situation, listen to your favourite music and relax. Well, if you can do yoga.
  3. According to the possibility of visiting exotic places, parks, salty or sweet sources. Learn to meditate and breathe deeply. Enough sleep.

Tune into the right wave and set yourself a goal. Then, how to lose weight fast 5 pounds in a week really, you create a calendar. Home eat well and maintain an active lifestyle. As a result, you'll drop excess weight without diet.